Lifestyles 55 Digital Radio

Oldies rock, pop, folk, doo-wop & beyond


Golden's Oldies:

Thursday 1 PM & 7 PM (CT) in Canada & USA

Thursday 7 PM (UTC) in United Kingdom

Chris began his DJ career in the United Kingdom just over 50 years ago. He emigrated to Canada in 1982 and continued sharing his love of music on the DJ circuit at the same time as maintaining his professional career.

He produced and broadcast his show locally but now, in retirement, he offers up Golden’s Oldies playing his favourites and ours on Lifestyles 55 Digital Radio.

Chris produces his show in Calgary. Two hours of music facts and figures including The Motown Moment and The Sixties’ Nine.

Golden's Oldies - Episode 55

Golden's Oldies - Episode 54

Golden's Oldies - Episode 53

Golden's Oldies - Episode 52

Golden's Oldies - Episode 51

Golden's Oldies - Episode 50


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